

Remove Kidney Stone With Advanced Laser Technology

Date :29-Jan-2018

Kidney stones are the hard, crystalline mineral materials that are formed in the kidney or urinary tract. When urine has the excess of stone-forming substances or making a little amount of urine, kidney stones are formed. What are the causes of developing kidney stones? The causes of developing kidney stones are Consuming less water/fluid per day Poor diet Protein rich diet Salt rich diet Consuming oxalate-rich foods Side effect of Gastric bypass surgery Stress Obesity Diarrhea Genetic factors What is the laser treatment for kidney stones? Laser treatment of kid

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Laser Prostate Surgery Chennai

Date :30-Aug-2016

Prostate Laser Surgery is minimally invasive procedure used to treat a condition known as Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH), which is the enlargement of prostate gland. This surgery increases the flow of urine through the urethra. During Laser Prostate Surgery a scope is passed through the tip of the penis into the tube carrying urine from the urinary bladder. A laser is passed through this tube. This laser shrinks the excess prostate gland thus helps in the easy flow of urine. How the Procedure is Performed? Due to the enlargement of prostate gland, it becomes ver

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Bladder cancer Treatment in Chennai

Date :23-Jan-2016

The bladder is a body hollow in the lower part of the stomach area . It is look like a small balloon and a muscular wall that permits you to expand or shrink to store urine produced by the kidneys. We have two kidneys above the waist, one on each side of the spine, Modest tubules in the kidneys channel and clean the blood. Bladder cancer is a disease in which tumor cells in the tissues of the bladder are shaped. There are 3 types of bladder disease that begin in cells. These diseases are given the name, depending upon the sort of cells that get to be harmful. Transitional cell carcinoma :

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Remedies for Urinary Tract Infections

Date :17-Feb-2017

Urinary Tract Infection is the infection caused in the urinary system by microbes such as bacteria overcoming the body’s defenses. There are 3 types of UTI. They are Bladder infection, Urethra infection and Kidney infection. Usually, women are at greater risk of developing a UTI than men. Symptoms of Urinary Tract infection: Frequency of urination Urgency Voiding in small amounts Inability to void Inability to empty the bladder Painful urination Foul-smelling urine Lower abdominal discomfort Fever Causes of Urinary Tract Infection The majority of cases are

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About Dr. N. Anandan


Dr. N. Anandan is a senior consultant at Kauvery hospital and Apollo spectra hospitals in Chennai

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